7R is first warehouse and industrial developer to join Urban Land Institute Poland

7R has joined the Urban Land Institute to play a part in shaping the future of the real estate industry and build the highest quality standards in the warehouse market together with other members of the organization.

The Urban Land Institute (ULI) is the world’s oldest and largest network of interdisciplinary real estate and land use experts. As a non-profit organization, it studies issues critical to improving the quality of life and sustainability of urban areas.

Until now, it has been offices and the commercial sector that has had an influence on the architecture of cities. However, this important role also now falls to warehouses, which are becoming an important element of urban landscapes and local communities. 7R is developing a network of last mile warehouses, 7R City Flex. These warehouses are located within a 30-minute drive of city centers and streamline the supply chains’ final link. The location of these facilities, within Poland’s metropolitan areas, puts the developer in a position to really shape the urban spaces in the country.

Warehouse developers are becoming important architects of sustainable solutions in cities. Furthermore, the growth and professionalization of this sector means its representatives have an increasing responsibility for the environment, economy, and local communities. At 7R, concern for the environment and the people in and around our investments are two of the most important elements of our business strategy. We have created a team at 7R, which deals with the research and development of new pro-ecological solutions for our facilities, takes care of building aesthetics, and designs features which increase the comfort of 7R warehouses’ working environment. We also rely on partnerships and an exchange of experience. Joining ULI guarantees us access to the world's platform for exchanging knowledge and good practices in sustainable construction and urban trends.

Tomasz Lubowiecki

Chairman of the Board at 7R

The Urban Land Institute’s mission is to promote responsible land use and create and support communities around the world. ULI’s publications, webinars and educational workshops offer inspiration and practical guidance to help members build businesses. ULI also ensures access to the latest research, reports and best practices.

The Urban Land Institute's members around the world include representatives from many professions and industries. It's not just architects, developers, or commercial or residential real estate companies. It is an organization that brings together various professionals within a horizontal structure. Thanks to this, it acts as a place for exchanging ideas, experiences, and best practices in many fields, in accordance with the principle of sustainable urban development and space management. That is why we are so pleased that 7R, a company involved in the warehouse market, has joined ULI Poland as a corporate member. We try to keep a close eye on market changes and their impact on the environment and communities in cities. The warehouse industry, as a whole, certainly has a lot to achieve, for example, in terms of environmental awareness in many development processes. We hope that cooperation with market leaders such as 7R will contribute to further positive changes in this area in the Polish market.

Dorota Wysokińska-Kuzdra

President of ULI Poland

Despite stable energy demand, CO2 emissions from global building operations and construction reached their ever highest level in 2019. Together with the production, transportation and use of construction materials, it accounts for 38% of global CO2 emissions, according to the 2020 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction, released by the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction.

At 7R, we take our responsibility for reducing the carbon footprint of our buildings very seriously. With this in mind, the company's long-term plan is to make the warehouses we build completely zero-emission. Of course, this is a time-consuming process, divided into stages, which depends largely on awareness, but also on the specific needs of our tenants. In our logistics parks and city warehouses, we have a range of solutions, including efficient energy and water management, photovoltaics, LED systems, and BMS, which will help our clients choose a property that fits into their sustainable development strategy.

Tomasz Lubowiecki

Chairman of the Board at 7R