Lidl Polska moves into 7R Park Poznań West

Lidl Polska, one of the largest retail chains in the country, will become one of the tenants of 7R Park Poznań West this August. The company will use nearly 10,900 sqm of modern warehouse and office space.

For many years now, Lidl Polska has been emphasising pro-ecological solutions created with energy efficiency and dioxide reduction in mind. The company’s strategy is to introduce sustainable concepts at every stage of the business, from building facilities, through transport, to delivering products to end customers. This includes the lease of warehouse and production space in the 7R Park Poznań West facility.

7R Park Poznań West is a modern warehouse and production facility with a total area of over 55,000 sqm. The logistics park’s offer includes a high-storage hall with technological solutions that help support clients from various industries.

We are very pleased to have yet another strong, international brand among our tenants. For many years, Lidl Polska has been one of the main drivers behind the development of the commercial industry in our country, which naturally translates into huge requirements and expectations of the warehouse space supplier. We meet them by providing a space that combines functionality, comfort, and pro-ecological solutions. 7R Park Poznań West is another one of our projects that was created in accordance with the idea of sustainable development.

Joanna Ociepka-Wojciechowska

Regional Leasing Director at 7R

Energy-efficient facility in a good location

The 7R facility in Poznań has several ecological solutions, including air destratificators and electric car charging stations. It also holds the BREEAM certificate at the Very Good level – one of the most important documents that set global standards in designing sustainable and ecological buildings.

We are sure that all these aspects will allow Lidl Polska to efficiently use the warehouse space in terms of the environment and business. We have created optimal conditions that allow even the largest companies to use the provided space effectively from the very first day.

Magdalena Kostjan

Regional Leasing Director at 7R

Another distinguishing feature of the facility is its strategic location. The warehouse is located in Tarnowo Podgórne near the national road no. 92, running through the area of four provinces: Lubuskie, Wielkopolskie, Łódzkie and Mazowieckie. The excellent location of 7R Park Poznań West also allows convenient access to the Poznań airport while ensuring efficient communication within the Poznań agglomeration.

About 7R

7R is a dynamically growing developer operating on the commercial real estate market, specializing in providing modern warehouse and production space for lease. It offers both warehouse and industrial facilities intended for many tenants, as well as BTS facilities. The portfolio of 7R includes large-scale logistics parks and Small Business Unit municipal warehouses, which form the 7R City Flex Last Mile Logistics network. Thus far, the company has completed projects with a total area of over 1.5 million sqm and currently has more than 3 million sqm in the pipeline in different locations around Poland, of which over 600,000 sqm is under construction. The company is committed to ESG activities and acting responsibly in its interaction with the environment, local communities, and corporate governance.

