Young artists on ecology. Meet the winners of the competition: 7R Warehouse of art ‘Young art for the planet’

7R, a company specializing in creating innovative and ecological warehouse and production spaces, together with the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, organised the competition 7R Warehouse of art ‘Young art for the planet’ – promoting young artists and topics related to protecting the natural environment. The initiative is one of the company’s ESG activities. On 31st May the competition winners were announced. The exhibition of their works is planned for this autumn.

The competition was aimed at students and graduates of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Its leitmotif was the slogan “Technology.Ecology.Man.Coexistence”. The task of the competition was to create a design of applied art on an ecological theme in one of 3 categories: ergonomic seat, mural for a fire tank and an ecological 7R gadget.

Can art influence magazines and industrial spaces inspire artists? The 7R Warehouse of art competition proves that they can. We have received several dozen extremely creative works by young artists that inspire and interpret reality in an interesting way. At their centre is human and ecology, that is, values important to our organisation. By implementing ESG activities, we want to support actions that contribute to the development of the natural environment and local communities.

Tomasz Lubowiecki

CEO of 7R

26 works were submitted to the competition. The selection of the winners was decided by the competition jury composed of:

  • Professor Prot Jarnuszkiewicz – Deputy Rector for External Cooperation and Promotion of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
  • Professor Tomasz Milanowski – Dean of the Faculty of Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
  • PhD Bazyli Krasulak, Professor of the University – Dean of the Faculty of Interior Design of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
  • PhD Magdalena Małczyńska-Umeda – Assistant Professor at the Principles of Visual Communication Lab at the Faculty of Design of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
  • Tomasz Lubowiecki – Founder and President of the Board at 7R
  • PhD Katarzyna Dorocińska – Head of Marketing & Communications at 7R
  • Łukasz Jachna – Board Member at 7R, Head of Capital Markets

Students and graduates of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw showed their fantastic imagination in their works by presenting unique projects that combine such areas as ecology, industry and art in a creative and innovative way. Each of the submitted works is distinguished by its originality – both in the selection of the proposed techniques for performing the works, as well as in the concept and directions of interpreting the slogan of the competition – 'Technology.Ecology. Man. Coexistence'. Congratulations on the ideas.

Professor Prot Jarnuszkiewicz

Deputy Rector for External Cooperation and Promotion at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw

Competition winners and their works The winning works can be viewed on the website


